Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Body Electric

I awake to the sound of a large truck pulling up along side the house. Outside the bedroom window, the thing is inching straight up to my house so that the driver and I are eye to eye. I can see that it is a milk tanker and realize that the guy has missed his destination by one block. Through the window I begin motioning to the driver that he needs to go a block over. He starts trying to back out, so I decide to get out there to help him. I emerge to find the driver laying under the trailer with a remote control devise that allows him to move his truck. Everything is proceeding nicely when suddenly I see that the trailer is slowly backing into a power pole. I began to yell for the guy to stop, but the pole began to bend down under the weight of the still moving truck. I looked up to see high tension wires coming down on top of me, but I was paralyzed and could not move. I began screaming for him to stop, the wires only inches away from my chest, I awoke again, gasping for breath.
Memory banks unloading
Bytes break into bits
Unit One's in trouble and it's scared out of its wits. lyrics by RUSH

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