Monday, April 30, 2012

My Memorial For The Next Reunion

Seely, an inveterate avant-garde in the field of Mind expansion through Native American ceremonies and arm chair anthropologist, was last seen in the Sonoran Desert near Maricopa, Arizona on December 20, 2012. He is presumed dead.
Onward from vast uncharted spaces, Forward through timeless voids, Into all of us surges and races The measureless might of the wind. [...] In the steep silence of thin blue air High on a lonely cliff-ledge, Where the air has a clear, clean rarity, I give to the pledge: ”By the strength of my arm, by the sight of my eyes, By the skill of my fingers, I swear, As long as life dwells in me, never will I Follow any way but the sweeping way of the wind.” __________ (published in On Desert Trails with Everett Ruess, with introduction by Hugh Lacy and foreword by Randall Henderson, Desert Magazine Press, Palm Desert, California, 1950.)

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