Sunday, February 28, 2010

Meanwhile, Back On Earth

According to my solstice monolith, everything is right on track for yet another spring here on planet Earth. The first kittens of the new year are emerging like blind kielbasas, paddling alongside their litter mates in makeshift cardboard nests, searching for the eternal milk-teat- goddess. Milk that miracle. What an ingenious way of nourishing one's young. Yet the birds have managed to pull it off without a drop of the stuff. Go configure!


San Fran Cup said...

Spring is but the illusion of love and life after heartbreak and death, But death and hertbreak are just around the corner again.
Alas the term "Spring Break" a break from death.


fuzzballdaddy said...

Yes and you win a pound o' special deep roasted lentils for not pointing out that it's the Spring EQUINOX!