Sunday, November 30, 2008

Gittin' all Fixed-Up Proper-like.

I have been trying to get my Hamstring all healed up, all nice and proper-like. Come to find out...this is one of the most complex and debated sport's injuries of all. So, I just keep stretchin' and Granny keeps on a rubbin' it with her homemade liniment. I never had any idea bear fat had so many uses!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

A1 #3 - (comic book issue) -

A1 #3 - (comic book issue) - Thanksgiving with the "Fam" was lovely as always! That's me in the breathing apparatus.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Here's a real TURKEY!

Yes, it's been slow at work! Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Sung to the tune of...

Here's the story, of a boy named Jim Bob, who was having a great day out on his bike. He got out well and kept on movin' a smile from ear to ear. Then the last lap came and things they started locking, and he knew that it was much more than a hunch, then his hamstring popped and down my friends went Jimbo... Those bastards handed me my lunch!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Team Monkey Junk

I had a wonderful time at the cyclocross season opener. I had a good race even with a hamstring injury only an eighth of a mile from the finish line. Luckily for me this man came along and shouldered me and my bike and ran us in to the finish!

Friday, November 21, 2008

The Time Has Come!

It is on Baby! The soup that is. Chicken Tortellini at work today. Remember, when the going gets tough, the tough get cookin'! Upon completion of luncheon service, I will double right back and start 6#'s of pinto beans soaking (I only have one 12 quart pot!)for Sunday's cyclocross. I went out to Enterprise with Noel on Wednesday evening and folks , I've just got to say, I like what I'm seein'! But I'm gonna need more cowbell! It is absolutely gorgeous out there!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Cyclo-Cross Clinic.

Saturday Morning I attended the Cyclo-Cross Clinic at Enterprise Park.It was so nice to finally meet the Owen's Boys, without their Races faces on! I took my bro David "The Diesel" with me. Bro Timmy "The Smasher" showed up with his bike (which he ended up breaking, again!) Jonz Norine Gave a nice intro talk about the history of the sport and then started with basic techniques. My Tourette's started me into twitchin' pretty hard,(that or the seven bowls of Chai I drank) so I snuck out for a quick lap around the course. When I got back the group was starting in on some barrier work. Finally, Jonz announced that we would all take a lap together and then we would do a bit o' Kangaroo-Kross! What the heck is K.K. you ask? Well, we all broke into two person teams. Then the Captain of the team was given a small stuffed animal. The race was held relay style with the stuffed animal being handed off at the end of each lap. It was a blast and everyone had a lot of fun!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Straight out of a Bond Woody Allen

Here is yet another example of the kind of secret nutritional suppliments my boys and I will be using for CX this season. I pity anyone riding behind us!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Roman GU.

Ancient Garum Recipe
Use fatty fish, for example, sardines, and a well-sealed (pitched) container with a 26-35 quart capacity. Add dried, aromatic herbs possessing a strong flavor, such as dill, coriander, fennel, celery, mint, oregano, and others, making a layer on the bottom of the container; then put down a layer of fish (if small, leave them whole, if large, use pieces) and over this, add a layer of salt two fingers high. Repeat these layers until the container is filled. Let it rest for seven days in the sun. Then mix the sauce daily for 20 days. After that, it becomes a liquid.

- Gargilius Martialis, De medicina et de virtute herbarum, reprinted from A Taste of Ancient Rome

I will be testing and sampling this ancient predecessor of the "Power Gel" at the Cyclo-Cross Series. I have been asked to set up well down wind of the start/finish area. Whatever!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

What a Hot Dog!

These days preceding our local Cyclo-Cross season are times of emotional conflict for me. Now everything bicycle, is projected in my mind (see: Magic Theater) in terms of what kind of performance I will be able to muster...Mmm Mustard! And how I will be able to resist eating every tofu-dog in the house...What the F&*@! But seriously, My diet, my training, my's ridiculous! I rode up Rattlesnake to T.O.T.W. yesterday and felt like frickin' Homer Simpson. Thankfully, my descent down the backside to lower springs road felt great (my God, the traction!) By the time I came back in up the Sunset Bridges Trail, I felt like Levy Leep-Hammer! Probably this biggest concern I have can best by explained in the words of my 6'9" single speed buddy. "I don't relish the thought of getting it, HANDED TO ME!" Mmmm...Relish!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Coming Soon, "PAINFEST"

On Wednesday afternoon I climbed aboard my old stationary-bike/wind-trainer and headed out for parts unknown. Thanks to a CD of David Bowie's Greatest Hits, I rocketed off with Major Tom and did not return until I met up with a girl named Blue Jean! My plan is to work on cardio training instead of my usual anaerobic, leg-melting, ego-driven, peer-group-fueled, one-upmanship! That my friends I will save for cyclocross! I was talking to one of our local CX heroes yesterday, I won't name names, suffice it to say that he's about 6'9" and rides a one-speed. We both agree that any significant in-roads to CX fitness, between now and the first race, are fairly unlikely. Besides, how (short of securing a plastic bag over one's head and running a cross country foot race with an old 40 pound beach cruiser bicycle on one's shoulder) can one possibly ever consider oneself "READY" for cyclo cross?! I suppose being 25 years old might help a bit!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Monday, November 3, 2008

A ride with SanFranCup.

In a twist of fate tantamount to a monkey sitting down to a typewriter and pecking out the Lord's Prayer on the first try, I, The Filter King, hooked up with the notorious SanFranCup last Sunday, for an epic ride. I am sure that this monumental moment will be thoroughly covered by Velo News but, I just couldn't wait to share this with Ya'll! The only tiny, little mishap was that of a complete bemudding of SFC's right foot. Please note the soiled white stocking! Otherwise Darling, we looked FABULOUS!